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Hokusai’s Great Wave, Sculpted in Lego Blocks by Jumpei Mitsui

Free the Ocean Blog

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Hokusai’s Great Wave

Sculpted in Lego Blocks by Jumpei Mitsui

Photo Credit: Jumpei Mitsui

In ensuring that his 3D LEGO replica not only paid homage to the original but also captured the dynamics of crashing waves, Jumpei Mitsui says he read several academic papers on giant wave formations, as well as spent hours on YouTube watching video of waves. He then created the sketch below, which was used to create the final model.

Photo Credit: Jumpei Mitsui

Mitsui LEGO sculpture is currently on display at the Hankyu Brick Museum in Osaka, a space dedicated to showcasing the works of Jumpei Mitsui, Japan’s only certified professional LEGO block builder.

Photo Credit: Jumpei Mitsui
Photo Credit: Jumpei Mitsui