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Past Trivia

In case you missed it - the last 9 days of trivia

Question for February 15,2025

What is the scientific name of the leaf sheep, a type of sea slug known for its leaf-like appearance?
  • Elysia chlorotica
  • Aplysia californica
  • Costasiella kuroshimaecorrect answer
  • Tridachia crispata

The leaf sheep, Costasiella kuroshimae, is a tiny sea slug known for its leaf-like appearance and ability to photosynthesize. It absorbs chloroplasts from algae, enabling it to produce energy from sunlight, much like a plant.

Question for February 14,2025

Which giant “megaberg” is drifting toward South Georgia, home to thousands of seals and penguins?
  • A23a, the ‘megaberg’correct answer
  • Cool Runnings Glacier
  • Polar Pete
  • The Frosty Titan

At over 1,500 miles wide, this “megaberg” dwarfs many cities. It broke free from Antarctica and is drifting near South Georgia, where thousands of seals and penguins hope it will steer clear. This colossal chunk of ice, bigger than a city, may hinder seal and penguin feeding grounds around remote South Georgia.

Question for February 13,2025

Time to dive deep! Head to the _____ part of the Pacific Ocean to explore the famous Mariana Trench.
  • North
  • South
  • East
  • Westcorrect answer

The Mariana Trench, located in the western Pacific Ocean, is the deepest part of the world’s oceans, reaching depths of over 36,000 feet—deeper than Mount Everest is tall! The trench is home to bizarre creatures like the giant amoeba and the anglerfish, showcasing the extremes of life in the deep. Keep playing trivia to support the planet today!

Question for February 12,2025

What is a shark’s skeleton made from? (Hint: It’s not what you’d expect—no bones about it!)
  • Cartilagecorrect answer
  • Minerals
  • Bone
  • It doesn't have one

Sharks have no bones! Instead, their skeletons are made entirely of cartilage, the same stuff in your nose and ears. This lightweight structure makes them faster swimmers and more agile hunters, allowing them to dominate as apex predators in the ocean without being weighed down. Help safeguard these threatened creatures that play a crucial role in maintaining our ocean's ecosystem!

Question for February 11,2025

What clever trick does the newly discovered sea slug Bathydevius caudactylus use to outwit hungry predators in the deep sea?
  • It camouflages as a rock.
  • It sings ultrasonic tunes to scare predators away.
  • It inflates like a pufferfish.
  • It drops glowing decoys from its tail.correct answer

This glowing sea slug isn’t just stunning—it’s sneaky! It drops glowing tail projections to distract predators, buying itself time to escape. Surprisingly, these "tail decoys" regenerate, giving it endless chances to pull off its disappearing act! Nature's version of the ultimate escape artist.

Question for February 10,2025

Why are African Penguins affectionately known as "Jackass Penguins?"
  • They mimic human laughter
  • They wear tiny hats
  • They bray loudly like donkeyscorrect answer
  • They dig burrows like donkeys

African Penguins produce loud, braying sounds during courtship that resemble donkey noises. This unique vocalization not only earned them the playful nickname “Jackass Penguins” but also helps them communicate effectively within their colonies, strengthening social bonds and coordinating breeding activities.

Question for February 09,2025

What is the largest living structure on Earth, visible even from space?
  • The Great Barrier Reefcorrect answer
  • The Amazon Rainforest
  • The Himalayan Mountains
  • The Mariana Trench

The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest coral reef system, stretching over 1,400 miles along Australia’s coast. It’s home to an incredible diversity of marine life, from vibrant corals to sea turtles and reef sharks. Its beauty reminds us how vital it is to protect our oceans. Today, we’re offering free shipping on products that help reduce waste and keep the ocean thriving! Applies to US orders $35+, offer ends tonight at 11:59pm PST.

Question for February 08,2025

In the epic tale of Moby Dick, what type of whale does Captain Ahab famously chase across the seas?
  • Humpback whale
  • Sperm whalecorrect answer
  • Killer whale
  • Blue whale

The infamous white whale in Moby Dick is a sperm whale, one of the largest toothed predators on Earth. Known for their deep-diving ability and immense size, sperm whales have inspired many stories. With their massive heads and echo-locating abilities, they are among the ocean's most remarkable creatures, capturing imaginations worldwide! Have a few spare minutes? Play Games That Give to support people, pets, and the planet.

Question for February 07,2025

The US isn't the only country with "great" lakes! The Great Bear and Great Slave lakes call ______ home.
  • New Zealand
  • Australia
  • Russia
  • Canadacorrect answer

Canada is home to both Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake, located in the Northwest Territories. Great Bear is the largest lake entirely within Canada, while Great Slave (named after the Slavey people who lived there) is the deepest. Both lakes are known for pristine wilderness, rich fishing grounds, and remote beauty, reflecting the wild heart of Canada’s North. Keep playing trivia to support the planet today!

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