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International Plastic Free Day

On May 25th, go plastic free!

*Scroll down to take the challenge!

Don’t buy it, refuse it, don’t use it.

Plastic pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues. International Plastic Free Day is a day to call attention to the plastic we use day-to-day, especially single-use plastic.

On May 25th, join us in avoiding single-use plastic for one day – and invite your friends and family to help get people shutting down plastic on the 25th!

Take the Plastic Free Challenge

I accept the challenge to avoid single-use plastic on May 25th – I won’t buy it, I’ll refuse it, I won’t use it.

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Download our shareable graphic to share on your instagram stories to get your friends and family to join in too! Be sure to tag @freetheocean.

Our actions have a ripple effect.

We hope this day opens our eyes to how much plastic we actually use day-to-day. If we understand this, we can consume more consciously moving forward.

Please share any thoughts you have about International Plastic Free Day: