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Free the Dolphins from captivity at The Mirage Casino!

Help free the remaining seven bottlenose dolphins confined at the resort’s animal exhibit.

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Help Free the Remaining 7 Dolphins!

PC: The Dolphin Project

Dolphins keep dying mysteriously at The Mirage Casino. In just the past six months, three bottlenose dolphins have died in the casino’s animal exhibit: In September, K2 died of a respiratory illness and Maverick died from a lung infection. Bella died in April after being treated for gastroenteritis.

“It’s an exceptional number of deaths in such a short period,” says Naomi Rose, a marine mammal scientist at the nonprofit Animal Welfare Institute in Washington, D.C. All three dolphins were in the “prime of life,” she says. The dolphins are being exposed to Las Vegas’ extremely hot climate and live in human-made pools that can’t emulate life in the wild where dolphins can dive deep into the water away from the heat, swim vast distances, and live in complex social groups.

We’re not saying that there’s any intent to harm the dolphins, or that the caretakers aren’t doing their best, but these dolphins should not be dying in the prime of their lives. It’s just not a healthy place for dolphins to live.

It’s simple – a bottlenose dolphin should not spend his or her life entertaining humans at the Mirage Casino on the Las Vegas strip. It’s both unethical and cruel to keep these highly intelligent and social animals in swimming pools.

To save the remaining 7 dolphins, The Mirage can send them to a sanctuary, like the Dolphin Project in California – where the dolphins will either be released once they’re ready or will live out their lives at the sanctuary in dignity and quality… instead of living in the desert in Las Vegas. A temporary closure of the casino’s animal exhibit is in place so that independent experts can investigate the dolphin deaths and evaluate the program. It’s a great opportunity to demand that they free the remaining dolphins.

Please sign the petition to tell The Mirage Casino to permanently shut down the dolphin program and free their remaining 7 dolphins!

The Petition

Dear Dave Blasko, Executive Director of animal care at The Mirage,

Dolphins in your animal exhibit at the Mirage Casino, are mysteriously dying. Three bottlenose dolphins, K2, Maverick, and Bella have died in the last six months. These dolphins simply should not be dying in the prime of their lives!

Read the rest

It’s an exceptional number of deaths in such a short period. In Las Vegas’ hot climate, dolphins live in pools made by humans that cannot replicate life in the wild where dolphins can dive deep into the water away from the heat, swim vast distances, and form complex social groups.

A bottlenose dolphin should not spend his or her life entertaining humans at the Mirage Casino on the Las Vegas strip. It’s both unethical and cruel to keep these highly intelligent and social animals in swimming pools.

To save the remaining 7 dolphins in your animal exhibit, please send them to a sanctuary, like the Dolphin Project in California – where the dolphins will either be set free when they’re ready or live out their lives with quality and dignity at the sanctuary… and not living in the Las Vegas desert.

Your animal exhibit is temporarily closed so that the dolphin deaths can be investigated and the program evaluated – we urge you to permanently close the dolphin program and free the remaining 7 dolphins from confinement.


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